The Odyssey 2050 climate change comic book is live! Launched on Friday the 23rd of March at the Great Western Studios in central London. Odysssey 2050 has been working with Artists Project Earth (APE), an excellent NGO dedicated to creating a better world through music and art, with special thanks to Lorna Howarth and Kenny Young - the APE website
We have big aims for the Odyssey comic book; initially it will be distributed throughout schools in the Caribbean region of Nicaragua and other regions throughout Latin America. Efforts are currently underway to have the comic book translated into English and Arabic, and we're constantly on the lookout for willing translators to help out.
We're really pleased to have produced the Odyssey 2050 comic book and - with a professional finish, but it's important not to forget its purpose. When Odyssey 2050 began, one of it's core principles was to reach as many young people as possible from all corners of the globe. The creation of the comic book recognises that many people do not have access to computer, TV, or even electricity, not to mention the internet. The comic book can reach these young people, and ensure their involvement in environmental issues that will surely affect their future.
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